GIVS Summit Theme: "The Spirit of Innovation"
October 05–07, 2018 | Tokyo, Japan
The IAFOR Global Innovation & Value Summit 2018 was held in Tokyo, one of the world’s greatest cities, and brought together some of the biggest names in business in Japan. Organised in association with JWT and The Wall Street Journal, the conference considered and contextualised questions of innovation and value with a focus on innovation ecosystems in the global, regional and local ecosystem of Japan.
The Summit was comprised of both a powerful one-day symposium, and a two-day academic conference that explored the ideas in more depth. The Symposium brought together a number of high profile keynote speakers to set the scene and speak to the theme of the conference, before then continuing with four plenary panels looking at questions of innovation and value. The first looked at Heritage companies in Japan, as with more than 50 percent of the world’s companies over 200 years old, the country offers excellent case studies of companies which have had to repeatedly innovate to survive. The next two panels offered contrastive insights and perspectives from both big companies and start-ups, and the final panel looked at policy from the side of government and education.
The GIVS Summit provided delegates with three days of intensive networking, study, and professional development, and allowed exceptional opportunities to meet people working at the cutting edge of different industries in the public and private sector both in Japan and overseas. Day one offered unparalleled opportunities to hear from some of Japan’s leading figures in industry, government, and education, as they discussed the big ideas surrounding innovation and value. Days two and three offered the chance to unpack some of these ideas, and dig deeper, in the context of an academic conference. While the first day offered the chance to see and listen, the second and third days offered more opportunity to engage and debate.
GIVS2018 Speakers Slideshow
Summit Programme
Keynote Speakers
Yoshimasa HayashiMinister of Education, Culture, Sports, Science, and Technology & Member of the House of Councillors, Japan
H.E. Dr Toshiya HoshinoAmbassador and Deputy Permanent Representative of Japan to the United Nations
Motoko ImadaCEO & Founder, INFOBAHN Inc.
Oki MatsumotoManaging Director & Chairman, Monex Group
Yuzaburo MogiHonorary Chief Executive Officer & Chairman of the Board, Kikkoman Corp., Japan
Dr Sachio SemmotoChairman, RENOVA, Inc.
Marco KoederDigital Business Director, J. Walter Thompson, Japan
Hiroko KoideBoard Director, Vicela Japan Co. Ltd.
David Hajime KornhauserDirector, Global Communications, Kyoto University, Japan
Peter LandersTokyo Bureau Chief, The Wall Street Journal
Ross RowburyPresident, Edelman Japan
Dan SloanFounder, Nissan Global Media Center
Geoffrey WexlerChief, International Division, Studio Ponoc, Japan
Ludovico CiferriPresident & Representative Director, Advanet
Dr Joseph HaldaneChairman & CEO, The International Academic Forum (IAFOR), Japan
Masao HosooPresident (11th Generation), Hosoo Corporation
Dr Yoshiaki IshiiDirector, Science, Technology and Innovation Bureau, Cabinet Office, Japan
Masafumi IshibashiSenior Managing Executive Officer, Nestle Japan Ltd
Yoko IshikuraProfessor Emeritus, Hitotsubashi University, Japan
Reverend Takafumi KawakamiZen Priest & Vice Abbot, Shunkoin Temple, Kyoto, Japan
Mandali KhalesiGlobal Head of Automated Driving Mobility and Innovation, Toyota Motor Corporation
David MilsteinPartner, Head of Japan, Eight Roads Ventures
Jin Song MontesanoDirector, Senior Managing Director, Chief Public Affairs Officer, LIXIL Corporation
Kosuke MotaniChief Senior Economist, Japan Research Institute, Japan
Shuji NakagawaPresident & Craftsman, Nakagawa Mokkougei, Japan
Rumiko ObataExecutive Vice President, Obata Sake Brewery
Tamaki SanoGeneral Manager, Business Creation Dept., Kirin Company, Ltd.
Professor Haruko SatohProfessor, OSIPP, Osaka University, Japan
Kei ShimadaDirector of Innovation, IBM Innovation and Incubation Labs
Yoshie SugaiIyonoma Ryu Aikido Kyoto Dojo, Japan
Professor Philip SugaiProfessor, Doshisha University, Graduate School of Business, Japan
Eikei SuzukiGovernor, Mie Prefecture, Japan
David M. UzeCo-Founder & CEO, Trillium Secure, Inc.
GIVS Symposium 2018
Symposium Theme: "The Spirit of Innovation: Inspirations from Japan"
Why Innovation and Value in Japan? Why Now?
Japan has been hailed as one of the world’s most creative and innovative countries, while simultaneously being maligned as a stagnant and lost economy that has lost its lustre. Yet as the world confronts the limits of Western concepts of innovation and the value that these bring, unique, sustainable and inclusive models of innovation developed throughout Japan’s long history may have important and globally applicable lessons and ideas that could guide the future of innovation and value creation in multiple industries and sectors around the world. The purpose of this Symposium is to explore innovation and value creation from the perspective of senior leaders in Japan who are guiding these efforts across government, business and educational initiatives and within three distinct categories to recognise and enhance Japan’s innovation ecosystems, including (1) heritage businesses, (2) multinational companies, and (3) young entrepreneurs and startups. Through a mature conversation between leaders across these fields and industries, we will address the questions of “what is innovation?” “What is value?” “What are innovation ecosystems?” and what we mean by these terms in context. This symposium aims to gain new insights into what truly drives innovation and drives value creation in Japan today and the most important factors that will further enhance the impact of these both domestically and globally.
GIVS Conference 2018
Conference Theme: "The Spirit of Innovation"
Innovation has been defined as invention brought to market, which in turn generates value for a firm and its key stakeholders, including its customers, clients, partners, society and the planet. While the models of innovation that have captured the attention of the global media tend to celebrate technical innovation and growth, other models and modes of innovation are equally if not more compelling in their scope and impact.
The focus of this conference then is to push the limits of our understanding of Innovation within both local and global contexts, the mindset that drives Innovation within organisations, communities and countries, and the value outcomes that grow out of these efforts.
Advisory Board
Frank Bauer, Global Business Director, J. Walter Thompson
Dr John C. Beck, Chief Innovation Officer, Arizona State University, USA
Takako Ebata, Head of Government Affairs and Policy, Johnson & Johnson, Japan
Frank Foley, Managing Director, HarperCollins, Japan
Dr Joseph Haldane, Chairman and CEO, IAFOR
H.E. Dr Toshiya Hoshino, Ambassador and Deputy Permanent Representative of Japan to the United Nations
Hiroko Koide, Board Director, Vicela Japan Co., Ltd. & External Board Director, Mitsubishi Electric Company
Oki Matsumoto, Managing Director & Chairman, Monex Group
Ross Rowbury, President and CEO, Edelman Japan
Haruko Satoh, Professor, The Osaka School of International Public Policy, Osaka University, Japan
Dr Sachio Semmoto, Chairman, RENOVA, Inc.
Dr Philip Sugai, Professor, Doshisha University, Graduate School of Business, Japan
Megumi Takayama, Unit Chief, Office of Global Communications, Prime Minister’s Office, Japan
Douglas Woodruff, Lecturer, Stanford University Bing Overseas Studies Program & Columbia Kyoto Consortium for Japanese Studies
Kiyo Machida Woodruff, CEO, Miscellany Ltd.
Organising Committee
Dr Will Baber, Professor, Kyoto University, Graduate School of Management, Japan
Dr Sarah Louisa Birchley, Professor, Faculty of Business Administration, Toyo Gakuen University, Japan
Dr Grant Black, President, Black Inc. Consulting, Japan
Dr Joseph Haldane, Chairman and CEO, IAFOR
Dr Tom Houghton, Director MBA (Oil & Gas), Curtin Graduate School of Business, Australia
Marco Koeder, Digital Business Director, J. Walter Thompson, Japan
Dr James W. McNally, Research Scientist, University of Michigan, USA & NACDA Program on Aging, USA
Ted O’Neill, Professor, Faculty of International Social Sciences, Gakushuin University, Japan
Haruko Satoh, Professor, The Osaka School of International Public Policy, Osaka University, Japan
Dr Philip Sugai, Professor, Doshisha University, Graduate School of Business, Japan